Friday, May 29, 2020

The Theme of Obsession in Enduring Love and The Collector - Literature Essay Samples

Both John Fowles in The Collector and Ian McEwan in Enduring Love use complex symbols and metaphors to expose the theme of obsession. In Enduring Love, the opening events and metaphor of the balloon act as a foreshadowing device for obsession. This is shown by John Logan’s laudable but obsessive refusal to let go of the rope which drags him further away from safe ground and the sanity that it represents. This idea is also analogous to all obsessive actions which unfold from this ‘pinprick on the time map’ such as Joe and Jed’s mutual obsession and Jean Logan’s obsession with her husband’s death. In Enduring Love, the symbol of balloon is an inanimate object whereas The Collector’s main symbol is the butterfly. In The Collector, this symbol is more of a recurrent motif and not something the reader can trace as the beginning of obsession. However, it still acts as the metaphor and pre-figurative device through which the reader can infer M iranda’s future including her capture and imprisonment. The visual aspect of the butterfly and the concept of pinning it down to spread its wings and then photograph it from every angle for â€Å"science† definitely finds shocking visual parallels in Clegg’s obsessive behaviour, ‘I took her till I had no more bulbs left.’The balloon of Enduring Love is also a striking visual metaphor which foreshadows uncontrollable obsession in the book. The author imbues it with a transcendental quality by relating it to the formation of the universe ‘the generation of multiplicity and variety of matter in the universe’ and cosmology. This scientific authorial voice characterises the novel’s narrator and suggests the grand implications of the balloon on the narrative. Rose describes this as ‘the colossus at the centre of the field that drew us in’. The exaggerated size suggests the author is going beyond the balloon as a physical o bject but more like a force of nature or scientific abstraction for obsession which seems to drag the men inexorably towards it. Similarly, the lexicon used by Fowles to describe butterfly catching, for example Clegg’s ‘entomological observations diary’ is akin to someone trying to emulate a scientific tone and this creates a similarly distinct narrative voice for Clegg and his related obsession. The ‘observations diary’ of Clegg also parallels the capture of butterflies and beautiful women as being of equal importance, dehumanizing Miranda and making his obsession easier to justify. Clegg freely admits that, ‘Seeing her always made me feel like I was catching a rarity,’ again juxtaposing Miranda and the butterflies. McEwan’s use of the balloon as a symbol begins a complex network of ambiguity. The reader is left unsure as to whether Logan’s hanging onto the rope is truly an obsessive action or one projected into that role by those who selfishly let go. Ironically, Joe’s seemingly rational action of dropping from the balloon sets in motion the events which lead to the central obsession. For the narrator, the balloon episode marks a ‘branching and subdivision’ opening up ‘pathways of love and hatred’ which are borne out through the novel. Therefore, in Enduring Love, the events surrounding the balloon act as the catalyst which opens ‘pathways’ for obsession to propagate. However in The Collector, the obsession has already begun. Instead, Fowles builds a slow awareness of Clegg’s danger and creates tension by his specific obsessive observations, ‘very pale, silky, like burnet cocoons’ with the simile again showing the concurrence between Miranda and the butterfly. The symbol of the butterfly juxtaposed with Miranda also explicates the novel’s title; he is not merely a collector of butterflies but a collector of people as well.The t itle of Enduring Love is not fully understood until far later in the novel. Instead there is a sense of the balloon being a transformational device for McEwan, ‘a kind of furnace’ out of which ‘identities and fates would buckle into new shapes’ facilitating the change from normality to obsession. The language of accurate scientific observation is again evident particularly the ‘mathematical grace’ of the situation suggesting the aforementioned fateful inevitability. Similarly, language usually used to describe butterflies in The Collector, ‘elusive and sporadic’ is instead attributed to Miranda. Clegg however, does not realise that the beauty of the butterfly is in the delicate movements of flight when it is truly ‘elusive’ not when captured and scientifically scrutinized (similar to the paradox of Art and Photography). Fowles creates a dichotomy by juxtaposing Clegg’s dull personality with the spontaneity of th e butterfly (Miranda) which represents the balance of their personalities. This juxtaposition also represents the other paradoxes of obsession within the novel including art and science, dangerous and normal obsession, and even the opposition of class.However, before such an exploration, one must first trace the growth and beginning of obsession. The opening of Enduring Love including the metaphor of the balloon is formative in the creation of obsession. McEwan acknowledges this, distinguishing between the ‘large-scale events’ of the balloon and the ‘subtler elements’ such as Rose’s first encounter with Jed Parry; A seemingly innocuous moment of sustained eye contact, ‘(his) clear blue-grey eyes held mine’. McEwan’s retrospective eye intimates that this is the absolute specific moment in which the obsession begins because beyond this ‘every gesture, every word is gathered and piled, fuel for the long winter of his obsession. ’ McEwan is ambiguous as to why this specific moment begins Jeds obsession though it is implied to be a combination of shock from the accident and loneliness. In contrast, Fowles presents Cleggs obsession as born out of a lack of education and the obsessive inadequacy with his background, ‘(everybody) seemed to look down on us’. Interestingly, both the central obsessive characters parents are absent meaning that their obsessive actions are largely unregulated, including those taken by Clegg corresponding to his growing obsession, ‘I used to see her†¦I stood right behind her†¦watch(ed) her for thirty five minutes.’ These accurate and specific observations characterise most of the first chapter and the detail with which Fowles describes the events, ‘she sat three seats down and sideways to me’ points to Clegg’s potential dangerousness. A sense of dramatic tension is created because the reader is left unsure as to how Clegg will â€Å"consummate† his obsession. In fact, both authors use structural devices to contrive that their protagonists come into large sums of money, Clegg from the pools and Jed from his inheritance, giving the characters the means to pursue their obsessions unencumbered by the need to work, and thus money. Parry’s obsession is presented by McEwan in the context of his religious beliefs, ‘god has brought us together in this tragedy’ and contact with Joe provides fuel both for Parry’s obsessive love but also his need to â€Å"convert† Joe. Parry’s obsessive religious fanaticism is evident referring to himself as a ‘messenger’ and God’s word as ‘a gift’. This early encounter sets the tone for the rest of the novel in which Parry uses religion and denial to create an imaginary obsessive world. His obsession is hard to classify and clearly not conventional love. Joe in a typical scientific fashion labels it ‘de Clerambault syndrome’ as if by classification the condition suddenly becomes explicable. Fowles on the other hand, doesn’t classify Clegg’s condition but leaves the reader to make inference from the text as to his clearly disturbed mental state. This is achieved by the unreliable narrator used by Fowles creating ambiguity as to the true nature of his obsession. Like Parry one suspects his perception of the world is delusional and stilted, ‘if more people were like me†¦ the world would be better’ though it unclear whether this is a self imposed delusion. Clegg attempts, early on, to suggest his intentions towards Miranda were of the best’ but despite this, later in the novel, his feelings towards her are clearly of a sexual nature, ‘the photographs†¦I could take my time with them.’ Furthermore, his obsessive infatuation seems to be born solely from her physical appearance, ‘so beautiful and his idealis tic vision of her, like a mermaid’.From this conclusion stems one of the main differences in the authors’ presentation of obsession. Clegg is obsessed with physically controlling Miranda, both in a sexual sense but also as a ‘Collector’ whereas Jed’s obsession is with winning over Joe’s mind to God and platonic love. In this way, the presentation of obsession is inverted by both authors; Joe is physically free in the outside world, ‘Our prison grew larger’ but captured in his mind, ‘my mental state was very frail’. On the other hand, Miranda is confined and controlled in this little small room’ and yet finds solace in her imagination, ‘I wrote myself into another world’ and is able to transcend her physical capture. It would seem therefore that the author’s construction of primary obsession is used to create an obsessive counter-reaction from the victims. In Enduring Love, Joe becomes equal ly obsessed with Jed and McEwan uses the technique of the unreliable narrator and similarities between the two to make their relationship still more ambiguous. The similarity of their names suggests a wilful comparison by McEwan as if under slightly different circumstances they might occupy similar roles. This parallel of Joe and Parry, insinuated by McEwan, is encapsulated when Clarissa remarks ‘His writing’s rather like yours’ reinforcing the ambiguity as to whether Jed is even real. Joe’s seemingly irrational response to someone who ostensibly appears harmless (or otherwise absent) makes the reader question who is the true dangerous obsessive. McEwan develops this further through multiple perspectives, first from Clarissa, ‘the Parry described by Joe, does not exist’ and then from Inspector Linley (whose ‘globular face’ has echoes of the balloon) ‘as Stalker’s go he’s a pussycat’ to cast doubt upon Jo e’s obsessive assertions. Essentially, Joe’s obsession forces him to reciprocate Jeds attention which, in turn, fuels the obsession Jed feels.In contrast, Clegg’s obsession causes Miranda to be driven further away from him. Fowles uses Miranda’s obsession with GP (the antithesis of Clegg) to add to the narrative richness of the text and interestingly we can see the progression of her thought process up to the epiphany, ‘I’ll marry him.’ The contrast of normal love (a form of healthy obsession) and Clegg’s possessive and repressed sexual feelings are juxtaposed by Fowles. Interestingly, the polarity established through the juxtaposition of these two extremes show Clegg’s obsessive ‘love’ for what it truly is. Miranda’s captivity and love for GP also lead her towards a more understandable obsession: escape. Her willingness to do ‘anything’ to achieve freedom, ‘she did some things which I won’t say’ reflects upon the zeitgeist of sexual liberation synonymous with the 60s but also contrasts with Clegg’s sexually repressed emasculation. From a structural perspective, Miranda’s sexual advances break the equilibrium of obsessions between the two characters. She rejects Clegg’s obsessive behaviour and seeks to act positively against it. However instead, her actions highlight his sexual ineptitude and drive them ‘further apart than ever’. Similarly, McEwan marks his protagonist’s purging of obsession through the somewhat crude and visceral metaphor of excretion. Unlike Miranda’s epiphany of love forcing her to take positive action, Joe’s is one set against a realisation that humans are detached from the ‘grand cycles’ of nature and human existence is insignificant compared with every other organism and process upon which it depends. This reflection, essentially from McEwan, highlights how solipsistic and ego-centric obsessive behaviour truly is and leads to Joe buying a gun, thus breaking obsession between them.Structurally, these events also cause an imbalance leading to the inevitable climax of obsession. In The Collector, this is shown by Clegg’s statement, ‘I had enough†¦I went and pulled the bed clothes off her’ revealing his true obsessive behaviour. Miranda’s earlier attempts to fulfil Clegg’s sexual obsession are used to justify his subsequent treatment of her, ‘All I did later was because of that night.’ Miranda’s eventual demise and Clegg choosing his next target, ‘Marian’ reveals his specific obsession for Miranda is destroyed but his obsessive personality remains. In Enduring Love, the obsessive love also (somewhat unsurprisingly) endures and is expressed in the appendix, ‘P writes daily to R’. Interestingly, despite the climactic confrontations, both authors ensure that the abnormal obsessive behaviour endures.Set against these principal obsessions is a rich tapestry of secondary obsessions shown in the various sub-plots and extensive allusions to Shakespeare. The faint parallel of the Tempest is used ironically by Fowles and is shown in Clegg’s delusion in re-naming himself ‘Ferdinand’ reflecting his idealistic view of the obsession. However, this is subverted by Miranda who sees through his faà §ade and aptly calls him ‘Caliban’ instead, creating a parallel of Clegg’s delusion of who he wants to be, against who he really is. The fact that Caliban famously attempts to rape Miranda in ‘the Tempest’ also foreshadows Clegg’s own sexual obsession. Interestingly, the novel’s parallel to the Tempest is not fully borne out by the book. Miranda is not the idealistic and submissive woman appearances suggest, but strong, independent and drawn to someone who shares her obsessions: GP. Ironic ally, he is a Caliban of sorts in his vulgarity and hedonism. Similarly, in Enduring Love, McEwan alludes to Othello in Joe’s suspicion that Clarissa is having an affair with ‘Some hot little bearded fuck-goat’ though the story’s Iago is, unusually, Joe’s obsessive and irrational mindset. Jean Logan’s obsession with her husband’s fidelity is a further example of every obsession emanating from the balloon and GP’s obsession with living as a ‘truthful’ artist (shown by his manifesto) creates a rich textural backdrop of obsessive behaviour.In a way, every character is identifiable by the obsessive stereotype which they maintain. Clarissa’s interest in John Keats represents an artistic obsession in Enduring Love through the manner in which she draws inference from his letters. Yet ironically, when it comes to the letters of Jed she is unable to see his potential danger. Similarly, Joe’s character is the ep itome of science within the novel and this is shown in his scientific tangents ‘Elkman’s celebrated cross cultural study’ but also the way he recounts every detail of the balloon incident. As such, one would expect him to maintain the same cold rational logic in the face of Jed’s obsession, though he quickly becomes paranoid. In this way, we can see the manner in which McEwan creates three dimensional characters by subverting stereotypes through obsession. Similarly, Fowles presents Clegg, ostensibly, as a man of science yet this guise is subverted through Clegg’s justification of his obsessive behaviour. For him, the capture of butterflies is, in fact, an obsessive and empowering pursuit not a scientific one. This is reinforced in the language spoken of his new target at the end, ‘for the interest†¦.and to compare’ where the guise of a ‘scientific’ experiment somehow justifies kidnap. Therefore, whilst in Enduring Lov e, McEwan presents the opposition of Art and Science as part of the ‘equilibrium’ between Clarissa and Joe, Fowles shows that love can never foster in an abnormal obsessive and pseudo-scientific context. This though, is only truly realised when the authors introduce the third protagonist, Jed and GP, and their obsessions (religion and art) alter the balance of obsession within the novels.This three way structure is alluded to in Joe’s epiphany where he discusses the river ‘two atoms of hydrogen, one oxygen bound together by a mysterious force’ which parallels the obsessive network between Jed, Joe and Clarissa. McEwan places this petty human struggle of obsession in the context of ‘billions, trillions, of them’, suggesting the vast nature of obsession. Despite the continuation of his scientific thinking, Joe is able to disengage with his over-rationalising mind and play with the children. Furthermore, the co-operative attitude between hi m and them as they face ‘the slow brown expanse of water’ is one fatally ‘absent’ from the initial balloon incident and also Joe and Clarissa’s earlier attempts to resolve obsession within the novel.Similarly, Jed watching the ‘sun’ coming up and turning the trees ‘black’ strongly recalls the rising balloon suggesting the cyclical and eternal nature of obsession. Jed’s obsession, like the sun and the balloon, is one destined to continue and transcends everything. He feels the sunlight is the enduring love of God and Joe, who as a confessional figure has almost been elevated to the status of such a deity. Interestingly this creates a counterpoint with The Collector. Miranda’s death and the discovery of her diary, prove to Clegg that she was not the idealised woman he thought her to be. The loss of her dignity, her burial and his subsequent disregard, relegate her to the status of previous lesser obsessions provi ng that, obsessive love is not always the love which endures. Bibliography1.Fowles, John; The Collector, Vintage Classics, London, 19632.McEwan, Ian; Enduring Love, Vintage, London, 1997

Monday, May 18, 2020

Analysis Of John Milton s The Fall Of Mankind Essay

The story of the fall of mankind, explored by John Milton in his epic Paradise Lost, has a way of defining the roles of solitude through its characters, and through those definitions the effects solitude has overall. The epic explores how the good and bad of what happens when one is left alone in their thought, and deep into it, a question is asked by a main character, â€Å"who can enjoy alone, or all enjoying, what contentment find?† (Book 8. Line 365-66). The way alone is defined is â€Å"having no one else present, on one’s own†; â€Å"taking or acting on its own†; and â€Å"no one or nothing else besides, exclusive of all other people or things†. All three definitions will be explored, because in ways each definition applies to more than one character, and some characters are defined by more than one definition of alone. The way solitude is presented in Paradise Lost is that the time spent in solitude distances the characters from each other, a nd allows for both good and evil to come from their time spent alone. The main characters define solitude in their own way, some even use more definitions than others, and they share definitions among each other. Starting with God who is never alone, although God experiences solitude in the sense that God is one of a kind, which was an early sentiment shared with Adam before Eve was created. Satan in solitude allows for him to concoct schemes to ruin God’s plans. Adam begins alone, and he does not like it, going as far as to fall along Eve because ofShow MoreRelatedLord Of The Flies, By John Milton Essay1639 Words   |  7 PagesWhile reading the epic, Paradise Lost, by John Milton, something came to my mind: Lord of the Flies. There were similarities between these two readings, almost like Lord of the Flies is a biblical allegory to Paradise Lost. 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Saturday, May 16, 2020

Economic Development Of A Country - 1027 Words

Today, many countries are involved. We cannot get rid of economic if we want to talk about development. The term economics can be defined as the science of how people and societies deal with their limited resources to satisfy their unlimited wants (Miller, 2012). The development of a country is based on many characteristics, such as the average income per capita, level of education, the death rate every year, the population health, and many more, but the most important characteristic is the economic activity of a country, therefore it should be promoted over any type of characteristics. Fiscal policy is a very important part of the economic. Its foundation were laid after the great depression of 1929. Fiscal policy can be defined as action†¦show more content†¦In case of recession, the government can lower the tax rate in order to boost the economy growth. Expansionary and contractionary are the two basic type of fiscal policy. The term expansionary is used when there is a recession, which is a period during which industrial activity are less. During this period, the aggregation demand is reduced than what it is supposed to be in a full employment. In this situation, the government will have to augment the aggregation demand by increasing their spending. The government can also reduce the rate of taxes, and this will have an impact on the aggregation demand curve to shift to the right, which will allow consumers to have more money to buy goods and invest. The term contractionary on the other hand is used when there is inflation. During this period, the industrial activity is getting out of control. The GDP per is greater than full employment (Miller, 2012). In this situation, the government will have to decrease the aggregation demand by reducing their spending. They can also chose to increase the rate of taxes, which will slow the gr owth, because the consumers will not enough money to buy goods and invest. The type of fiscal policy that is being used in both the past and present day is expansionary fiscal policy. In this type of fiscal policy, taxes rate are reduced and the government spending increase. For example, in

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Growing Up Playing Softball Essay - 1765 Words

As a child, I grew up playing softball and that s it. My mom played softball, my cousins played softball. It’s just all I knew. When I reached the seventh grade at Gardner Dickinson (my elementary and middle school), my friends all played soccer and I reluctantly joined as well. Each year I had my ups and downs with soccer, but it grew to be a part of who I am and has taught me a lot of things. For example, to try new things, to work hard, to never give up, and to step up and be a leader. Mrs. Cronin was one of my favorite teachers and my first soccer coach. She was awesome. She really needed players for the team, so my friends and she ended up convincing me to play. I didn t know a thing about soccer. I didn t know what positions were†¦show more content†¦The next big milestone in soccer for me was when I was a freshman in high school. I went to Troy High and didn t think I was good enough to play high school soccer. If it wasn’t for my best friend’s dad, I really wouldn t have played. He told me that I would regret not playing and that I had a lot of potential. I decided to try out with my three best friends and we all ran and did exhausting fitness exercises for weeks during tryouts. First, we’d have to do five laps around the track. In the beginning of the season, those five laps are a killer. By the end of the second one, I am usually out of breath. After that, we’d get into groups and do stations, like jumping over bars or do ing sit-ups and push-ups, basically anything to get us into shape. The third part of practice was sprinting. I like sprints because I am way better at running faster for one-hundred yards, than doing a long distance run. The next part of tryouts were the best, all the girls would get put into two teams and we’d just scrimmage so he could see our real soccer skills. Coach Haviland, who was the varsity coach, decided teams after the tough two weeks. 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Essay Global Warming is a Myth - 773 Words

Picture this: Your freezer breaks down. The temperature inside the freezer rises. The ice cubes start to melt and turn into liquid. The freezer starts to flood because of all the liquid from the ice cubes. Now, imagine that your freezer is the Earth. What your freezer has just experienced is similar to what happens to the Earth during global warming. Those who believe in global warming warn that it causes a significant rise in temperature in the Earths atmosphere and oceans, but after doing much research on the topic, I have discovered that the threat of global warming is a bogus one. If the Earths atmosphere was truly rising in temperature, we would see a significant rise in ice sheets melting, just like the ice cubes melted, but†¦show more content†¦However, a 0.5 degree Celsius rise in temperature, according to many scientists, is not a significant amount over a hundred year time span. So there is absolutely no reason to panic. Therefore, because scientists exagge rate the rise in the Earth’s temperature, the world must not be getting warmer. Lastly, mostly all who say global warming is occurring say humans cause global warming, but they are exaggerating. Global warming believers think that carbon dioxide is a major contributor to the rise in the Earth’s temperature. Those scientists say that human activities put most of the carbon dioxide in the air. In fact, only three percent of all the carbon dioxide in the air is generated by humans. If global warming is happening, humans definitely are not a significant cause. Nearly 18,000 scientists signed a petition saying there is completely no evidence that man is causing global warming. Because humans do not contribute a major amount of carbon dioxide in the air, humans cannot be responsible for the occurrence of global warming. To conclude, global warming is a myth because of several reasons. First, if the Earth was getting warmer, ice sheets would be melting, but they are not melting. Next, the temperature on Earth has barely gone up in 100 years. And, lastly, those who say global warming is a fact say that humansShow MoreRelatedGlobal Warming Is A Myth860 Words   |  4 PagesEarth. People continue to pollute the Earth with cars, trash, and waste. There are those who believe that Global Warming is a myth, while others know Global warming exists but don t care. According to U.S. EPA Global Climate Change conducted a study that the temperature increase is causing Greenhouse gases to increase around the world. All of these actions lead to one conclusion: Global Warming, the steady rise in the temperature of the earth s atmosphere, is causing problems all around the worldRead MoreGlobal Warming Is a Myth2326 Words   |  10 Pagesï » ¿Edmund Contoski, Global Warming, Global Myth,  Liberty, vol. 22, September 2008.  © Copyright 2008, Liberty Foundation. Reproduced by permission. In the last 1.6 million years there have been 63 alternations between warm and cold climates, and no indication that any of them were caused by changes in carbon dioxide levels. Edmund Contoski is a retired environmental consultant who now serves as a columnist for FORCES International Liberty News Network, an organization that advocates individualRead MoreThe Global Warming Myth Essay772 Words   |  4 Pagescatastrophic warming trend caused by a runaway Greenhouse Effect, the warming effect caused by certain gases (of which carbon dioxide is the most mentioned) which trap heat in the atmosphere. It’s always seemed a little fishy to me, though. The news would have us panic and hide in a storm cellar and stop breathing because we exhale carbon dioxide (CO2), but is that necessary? Is CO2 even really that bad? 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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We would like to acknowledge the contributions of the following group and individuals to the developmentRead MoreResearch Paper on Climate Change: the Myth of Global Warming4045 Words   |  17 PagesResearch Paper on Climate Change: The Myth of Global Warming DEDICATION This Research Paper is lovingly dedicated to our respective parents who have been our constant source of inspiration. They have given us the drive and discipline to tackle any task with enthusiasm and determination. Without their love and support this project would not have been made possible. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We would like to acknowledge the contributions of the following group and individuals to the developmentRead MoreGlobal Warming - Truth or Myth: Two Sides to Every Story Essay2815 Words   |  12 PagesGlobal Warming–Truth or Myth: Two Sides to Every Story Summer 2010 Part I (Thesis): Global Warming: A Natural Occurrence There are always two sides to every story and every different point of view has a right to be heard. When it comes to the discussion of global warming—a gradual increase in the earth’s surface temperature—there are two very distinct and opposing points of view. The world seems to be split between global warming being caused by humans and it being a naturalRead MoreGo To This Website, Which Is Hosted By Skeptical Science.1046 Words   |  5 Pagescovers many of the myths about climate change. †¢ List two of the myths that you found most interesting. †¢Outline what each myth is, and what the right answer to that question or item is. 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Employee Engagement for Environment - Praise - myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theEmployee Engagement for Environment, Praise and Support. Answer: Introduction: In the contemporary scenario noteworthy changes have been noticed in business including stiff competition as well as other business conditions. These issues have driven the business organisations to make significant changes. The idea of employee engagement is rather new. It is a common notion that majority of the employees of an organisation work for the pay which they are being provided. Thinking in such a manner, cannot be deemed correct as it is basically outdated and faulty. Several factors affect the engagement of employees including advancement, autonomy, civilized treatment, commitment towards employer, environment, praise, support, the feeling of working of an organisation, the feeling of working in a reliable organisation, considerations of being challenged and so on. Employee engagement is defined as an outcome of the way in which employees perceive their work, organisational leadership, the rewards and recognition received by them, communication and ethos of the organisation. It is also personified by the passion or energy which the employees have to give to their organisation in order to serve their customers suitably. It can also be explained as the extent to which the employees thrive at work, their degree of commitment to their employer and the level of their motivation to do their best for their own as well as their organisational benefit. Background: According to the employers the business world today is in dire need of much more competitive as well as productive workforce. This is to ensure the fact that the organisation stays ahead in terms of competition. This has led to the realisation among the employers that this goal can be achieved in case the focus is shifted on the employee engagement. It is not unknown that individuals devote more than their lifetimes one-third and around half of their entire day at work, thus indicating that work is the main part of an individuals being. Hence work is the best place to engage and inspire them in reaching their goals and also give meanings. History: Much before the term employee engagement existed, in the early 1990s, it was all about HR or personnel emphasis on the employee satisfaction. This disconnected view, was responsible for alienation of the employees support for the brand. This was also responsible for severing the connection which a potentially engaged employee could possess with the company. In the 2000s, the brands started to move closely for analysis of the relationships which they possess as a brand with their employees. It also includes the reduction of the effects of the brand and their marketing tactics. The increasing competitiveness was responsible for the company analysis of the factors responsible for making it successful. The companies also collect evidence on the employee engagement with organisational benefits of performance, profits, safeguarding and so on. The best levels of employee engagement are also ascertained in order to best utilize the marketing efforts (Shuck Herd, 2012). Arguments for and against: Employee expectation is discussed in many organisations at the time of recruitment in order to retain the employees to the organisation. In case this is done, future problems are not encountered by the organisation related to the employee inspiration towards this organisation. Employee engagement can be a severe problem in situations where employers do not enquire about the preferences of the employees and their vision with the organisation (Albrecht et al., 2015). There are arguments against employee engagement as well. Compensation being linked to employee engagement is in very rare cases. In cases when it is linked to the employees merit pay, bonus, salary, stock options and so on, then unnecessary problems are caused. It has also been argued that employee engagement is useless after four to five years. In certain cases it is said that employee engagement can be gamed as well. That is supposed to mean that the surveys can be inaccurate and this can lead to problems of the workplace. So employee engagement need not be done according to such theories (Anitha, 2014). Applicability: Employee engagement is applicable in organisations which indulge in intense competition and therefore always strive to be on the top. Therefore the levels of engagement need to be ensured such that the organisations can beat their competitors. In these organisations the proper care should be given to ensure that the employees have proper amount of motivation for the job (Wang Hsieh, 2013). Impact: Employee engagement assists the organisation in its growth as it motivates the employees in addition to providing them with incentives to work for the organisation (Shields et al., 2015). In case when employees understand the need in the company, there rises a tendency to work harder and in this situation the employee engagement comes. This situation leads to the recognition of their hard work and also leads to them receiving many rewards (Mone London, 2014). The impact of employee engagement is very well understood by the top organisations of the world. These companies realise that employee engagement is nothing but a force which drives the outcomes related to performance. In the most successful organisations, the principle of engagement is more than just an initiative of human resources. It is a strategic foundation for the ways and methodologies of doing business (Jose Mampilly, 2012). Examples: There are several ways to keep employees engaged in organisations. The old-fashioned suggestion boxes are bound to involve employees throughout the company. The boxes are brightly coloured to get the attention of the employees. The suggestions of the employees from the previous week will be read in the following week. This particular program encourages the employee involvement and attention to the information in the newsletter which further builds a mentality of working together as a team. Safety communities are also there which helps in increasing the importance and improving the productivity. The implementation of the safety communities at the business can assist the business and should also serve a one year term. There should be places for monthly safety meetings and members of management can also make safety suggestions (Dalal et al., 2012). Ideas campaign also helps in the involvement of the employees. The employees often come up with new ideas in order to help the business run smoothly. The engagement of the employees is ensured and increased as they have to make sure that their ideas are implemented properly. The picking program also helps employees in choosing the people they want to work with. There are employment programs which allow employees to choose the new people they want to work with. In such situations employee engagement is enhanced as their suggestions are given proper importance. Analysis of HR contributions: HR contributes to the employee engagement of an organisation on a significant level. Thus HR has several factors to consider. After hiring employees, HR has to ensure that the employees remain on board and also safeguard the culture of the organisation. They have to ensure that there is a continuous communication of the organisational values. This is valuable for the stakeholders and also for maintaining the feeling of belonging of the employees. The outstanding performance of the individuals also needs to be recognised as also the team performances. The performances should be rated, the regular performance related insights also need to be shared. The HR should make the key organisational metrics visible for motivational and transparency purposes. A culture of praise or recognition needs to be built for driving engagement as well as commitment. In the ideal scenario, the employees get praise from colleagues as well apart from the managers (Cole et al., 2012). The hiring procedure should be conducted by the HR based on the cultural fit of the organisation and also between the employees and the organisational culture. The prospective employees for an organisation need to be a cultural fit (Hewitt, 2012). Conclusion: The importance of engagement of employees is continuously increasing in different parts of the world. The world is ever altering and majority of markets are open due to globalisation. The nature of employers become more demanding day by day and hence the work life becomes more and more stressful. Organisations face tough competition and hence they need to be innovative. The employees capabilities need to be utilized by them in order to stay on top of their game and perform better overall. Thus employee participation and engagement is a perfect solution for both the employers as well as the employees. Human resource management needs to be considered as a strategic function of a particular organisation. It facilitates in building a competitive edge for any particular organisation by managing and understanding its employees in a positive way. There should be an appropriate style of leading from the front as also the establishment of a two-way communications with employees. This is bound to lead to the creation of an open as well as honest environment where employees feel valued as well as listened to and be involved in decision-making. It is more probable that involved employees feel proud of their organisation and also love to work for them. They also are more likely to believe in and live by the organisational values. References: Albrecht, S. L., Bakker, A. B., Gruman, J. A., Macey, W. H., Saks, A. M. (2015). Employee engagement, human resource management practices and competitive advantage: An integrated approach.Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance,2(1), 7-35. Anitha, J. (2014). Determinants of employee engagement and their impact on employee performance.International journal of productivity and performance management. Cole, M. S., Walter, F., Bedeian, A. G., OBoyle, E. H. (2012). Job burnout and employee engagement: A meta-analytic examination of construct proliferation.Journal of management,38(5), 1550-1581. Dalal, R. S., Baysinger, M., Brummel, B. J., LeBreton, J. M. (2012). The relative importance of employee engagement, other job attitudes, and trait affect as predictors of job performance.Journal of Applied Social Psychology,42(S1). Hewitt, A. (2012). 2012 Trends in global employee Engagement.Aon Hewitt Corp, 18. Jose, G., Mampilly, S. R. (2012). Satisfaction with HR practices and employee engagement: A social exchange perspective.Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies,4(7), 423-430. Mone, E. M., London, M. (2014).Employee engagement through effective performance management: A practical guide for managers. Routledge. Shields, J., Brown, M., Kaine, S., Dolle-Samuel, C., North-Samardzic, A., McLean, P., ... Plimmer, G. (2015).Managing Employee Performance Reward: Concepts, Practices, Strategies. Cambridge University Press. Shuck, B., Herd, A. M. (2012). Employee engagement and leadership: Exploring the convergence of two frameworks and implications for leadership development in HRD.Human resource development review,11(2), 156-181. Wang, D. S., Hsieh, C. C. (2013). The effect of authentic leadership on employee trust and employee engagement.Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal,41(4), 613-624.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Looking For Alibrandi and Erik Erikson free essay sample

Erik Erikson was a German developmental psychologist and psychoanalyst known for his theory on psychological development of human beings. Erikson believed that personality develops in a series of eight stages over the lifespan: Trust vs Mistrust, Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt, Initiative vs Guilt, Industry vs Inferiority, Identity vs Role Confusion, Intimacy vs Isolation, Generativity vs Stagnation and Ego Integrity vs Despair. Examples of these stages can be recognised in the film Looking For Alibrandi. Looking For Alibrandi follows Joesphine Alibrandi at her final year in high chool, the year she meets her father, falls in love, looses her best friend and find the truth about her family. By reflecting on my own life experiences and the characters in Looking For Alibrandi, I am able to see how the theory applies to the process of growing up. Eriksons theory is evident through Josies character in Looking For Alibrandi. Due to her age, Josie is classified in the fifth stage, Identity vs Role Confusion. This is a major stage in development where the child has to learn the roles they will occupy as an adult. It is during this stage that the adolescent will re-examine their identity and try to find out exactly who they are. Josie is a confused girl, searching to find where she belongs in two different cultures. It is during Tomato Day where Josies negative feelings towards her Italian culture are expressed, this might be where I come from, but do I really belong here? . However, out of the resolution of her family conflicts she finds a sense of belonging and commits to her own sense of identity whats important is who I feel I am. Josies new acceptance of her culture is shown in the losing scene, in contrast to the opening, where Josie invites her friends to celebrate Tomato Day rather than leaving with them. Thus, Erik Eriksons theory accurately applies to the process of growing up. Identity vs Role Confusion is also shown through John Bartons character in Looking For Alibrandi. Eriksons theory states that if the parents continually push their child to conform to their views, the teen will face identity confusion. Those who remain unsure of their beliefs and desires will feel insecure and confused about themselves nd the future. John feels enormous pressure to live up to his fathers expectations and the absence of support from his family results in John committing suicide. John tried to be what his father wanted him to be and didnt attempt to make an identity for himself, l dont know what I want. Johns death is evident of role confusion, precluding him from progressing to further stages, showing Eriksons theory does apply to the process of growing up. Eriksons theory is also evident through Nonna Katias character in Looking For Alibrandi. According to her age, Katia is placed in the eighth and final stage of Eriksons theory, Integrity vs Despair. This phase occurs during old age and is focused on reflecting back on life. Those who feel proud of their accomplishments will feel a sense of integrity. Successfully completing this phase means looking back with few regrets and a general teeling ot satistaction. Katia is otten tocusing back on lite as seen through all the photos and stories she shares about her past, I was most beautiful of them all. Although, she does regret parts of her life such as staying with Francesco, l did my duty, I stayed with him. That was my penance. Katia successfully completed this stage with feelings of contempt and only few regrets, showing Eriksons theory does apply to the process of growing up. Industry vs Inferiority is a stage I have successfully achieved in Eriksons theory. This stage covers the early school years from approximately age 5 to 1 1 . Through social interactions, children begin to develop a sense of pride in their accomplishments and abilities. Children who are encouraged and commended by parents and teachers develop a feeling of competence and belief in their skills. In primary school, I was voted to be one of eight prefects, a leadership role held within the school. This accomplishment increased my confidence in my abilities and therefore lead to further leadership roles such as class captain in high school. Thus, Eriksons theory has successfully applied to my own life experiences in the process of growing up. However, there are circumstances where both the film Looking For Alibrandi and my wn life experiences have not matched Eriksons theory. This is evident through Christina Alibrandis character in Looking For Alibrandi. Christina is in sixth stage of Eriksons theory, Intimacy vs Isolation. Erikson believed it was vital that people develop close, committed relationships with other people. Those who are successful at this step will form relationships that are committed and secure. Christina tries to be part of long term relationships as seen when she goes on a date with doctor and talks about her previous relationship with Michael Andretti. However, she is unable to maintain an intimate, committed relationship and doesnt have a marital partner. According to Erikson, less committed relationships are more likely to suffer emotional isolation, loneliness, and depression. Despite this, Christina has a very strong relationship with her daughter Josie who says Id die if my mum died. Therefore, Eriksons theory does not apply to the process of growing up in Looking For Alibrandi. Eriksons theory states that personality develops in a series of eight stages over the lifespan.